You have come up with a brilliant blog idea. You purchased a domain and hosting. Now your blog is alive and kicking. You have also started to get traffic but the traffic is still not good enough. You want to get closer to your visitors and want to build a better relationship with them.
Videos make you connect better
It has been found in a survey that videos let you connect better with people. People can develop trust easily if they can see someone’s face and can recognize them. It has been noticed that video ads with the person in them generate better leads than ads with no video or video animations only.
Go for a YouTube channel
If you create a YouTube channel and even if you post a few videos, people can see you there. They can recognize you and can connect better with you. They will build trust with you easily that way when they can see you talking and moving. A YouTube channel will also create a new existence for you on one of the social media platforms and can help you rank better. It will also help you generate leads as there will be people who will find about you through your videos. They will come to your YouTube channel then visit your blog from there.
You can hire an agency for better SEO results.
It is important that your blog rank higher in SEO rankings. It is every blogger’s dream to get on the first page of Google. That is one of the best ways to generate more and more organic traffic. You can hire an SEO agency to help you with this. If you are in Bangkok, search for seo company bangkok. You will get a lot of results. Just go with the one that you find best as per your needs.